Dear customers, we are sorry to inform you that we do not complete orders for balustrades any more. We have specialised in professional tooling stainless steel.

kobamet obróbka stali nierdzewnej - polerowanie stali nierdzewnej krok po kroku

Price List

We complete every order for tooling acid-resistant steel based on individual, free valuation. Prices listed on our site are only demonstrative! We invite you to contact us with our e-mail, contact form or on the telephone.

Approximate prices of tooling stainless steel

Prices represent net value and are only demonstrative!

Grinding square and rectangular moulding from 1,39 PLN net/lm*
Polishing square and rectangular moulding from 10,49 PLN net/lm*
Grinding round pipes - exterior and interior from 0,90 PLN netto/lm*
Polishing round pipes - exterior and interior from 2,19 PLN net/lm*
Other tooling stainless steel individual pricing*

* Detailed, individual valuation is prepared for every single order only after all details are agreed. Prices depend on:

  • type and complexity of pieces for tooling steel,
  • customer’s expectations for the effects,
  • details and indications delivered.

We are an experienced team. What distinguishes us from our competitors is our reliability, punctuality, flexibility and our continuous attention to detail.

Our professional design service, technology and high quality materials and devices guarantee full satisfaction to our customers!

In Kobamet we work with the highest class, certified machines for tooling stainless steel.

In case of any doubts or enquiries, please contact us by email or on the telephone. As our prices presented on this website are only demonstrative, we encourage you to contact us directly for your individual valuation.

We are at your service from Monday to Friday 08.00 – 16.00.


+48 577 288 011

When you are interested in our offer or need to obtain more information